Multilevel marketing (MLM) companies use a network of free distributors to sell products directly to
people in the community. Examples that most people think of when they hear
about MLM companies include Avon or herbal product like tre-en-en as in GNLD. If you become a distributor for one of thesecompanies, you will make some money from selling the product probably inviting
more people . But the real way to make
money is by recruiting a network of distributors who also sell the product,
called your down- line. You earn commissions on sales made by distributors/members
in your down- line . To make money in MLM, you have to know not only how to
sell your product, but also how to build your down-line, but in the case of MERIDIAN LIFE SUPPORT you don’t need to sell any product, all
you need is to register two of your friends who will in turn register two of their own friends and your done with
that stage with a lot of referral bonus on each person that joined you. Sound
too good on paper isn’t it? Don’t bother for I will show step by step on what
to consider before joining a network marketing .

Look for a stable company.
Find out how many years the company has been in business. Don’t work with a company that has been in
business for less than five years. Go
with a publicly traded company. Since
they are required to disclose their financial condition to the SEC every 90
days, you can easily find information about their financial stability. It may be hard to find good financial
information on private companies the earlier you do all this the better time
and money it will save you.
Investigate the integrity of the company and its managerial ability,
considered if the company is starting up or has it been there, and what
happened to it in the past . Find about t the CEO. Find out about his experience and
background. Know whether he has been
successful in other companies in the industry or another industry. Learn about his reputation. This information can be found on the company’s
website and in trade publications.
Find excellent products or services for example meridian life support foundation
don’t sell product rather they render services like free medical check up,
skill acquisition training etc. Look for
unique products that competitors don’t offer.
Choose products that consumers need and will use. Look for products and services that are used
continuously, which will ensure you repeat sales. Find a product for which there is a large
untapped market. Steer away from fads or
trends, as these may not support you in the long run. Sell a product that you yours lf use and
would recommend.
Research the
compensation plan. Find out how you get
paid. Ask what percentage of sales gets paid back to the distributors. Find out how fair the distribution or the referral
is between old and new members , Familiarize yourself with the different types
of MLM compensation plans. Research the
type your company uses and evaluate how fair and generous it is.
Meridian life
support foundation compensation plan
rewards members with Ipad, laptop, Generator, frig and car once you complete a
stage. Check it here
With a stair step
breakaway compensation plan, your payments increase as your distributors’
volume grows. Once they reach a certain level, they break away from you. Many companies use this plan because it is
tried and true. Be aware that once a
distributor breaks away, you may need to replace her to make your monthly
quotas if you have them.
In a forced matrix
compensation plan, the organization of distributors looks like a grid. This means that a certain number of people
you bring in to the company will work directly or indirectly for you, or be on
your front line. But after that, any
other people you bring in will spill over, or be placed underneath them. This plan encourages team work. A binary compensation plan allows you to have
two distributors on your front line.
After that, other distributors go beneath them. Sales volume must be balanced between the two
distributors underneath you before you receive any commissions. This plan is simple to understand and offers
fast growth. Be aware, however, that
although binary plans are designed to operate legally, some companies do not run
them as they are designed and that have been a major problem a networker may
encounter that is the reason why you should considered all this I am listing here before venturing into
network marketing. If the commission is too high, your company may fail. The
higher the commission, the less value the customer receives for her purchase.
The members you invited are your down line the distributors
beneath you. For example, if you are seller D and recruit seller E, seller E is
your downline You will probably earn a percentage of seller E’s sales. Down line greater than 5 may run into
regulatory legal problems, since emphasis is on selling to distributors rather
than the customer. This type of organization may be attacked as a pyramid scheme3.

To succeed you have
to listen to your mentors. Learn what
they have to teach you. Find out what
they did to become successful and duplicate it.
Host home parties.
This is what most people think of when they hear about MLM companies. If
you have a product that can be sampled and demonstrated, this might be a good
way to sell it. Invite 50 percent more
people than you think will actually attend. Offer free gifts and special
pricing on products. Have contests
during the party where people answer questions and win prizes. Make the party fun. Encourage guests to bring friends so you can
recruit distributors while you sell your product.
Finally Know the warning signs of a scam. If the focus is more on recruiting than
selling, consider it a red flag.
Consider the training offered. If
you are offered little to no support and training on business tactics, it might
be a scam. If you are being pressured
into buying extra product, paying for training or going into debt to pay for
the “business investment,” then think twice.
If a recruiter is pressuring you to sign on right away without giving
you time to ponder your decision, this is likely not a legitimate business
deal. Finally, if it sounds too good to
be true, it probably it is .if you consider all this things and it satisfies
the condition and the knowledge you v gotten from this site, I will advise you to go
ahead and invest your money into network marketing because is one of the best
means of making money but not for people that is in a hast.
Host team events. Get together with local distributors of your
product for Friends and Family or Customer Appreciation events. Choose a festive location such as a NEW YAM
FESTIVAL, a boutique hotel or a party cruise boat or even a football pitch. Share product stories, do product demos and
have drawings and prizes. Offer special
promotions to encourage purchases. Pack
the room with friends, family, customers and their friends and family.
2 Attend trade shows. Schools, churches and local networking events
allow vendors to purchase booths for selling products. Have a raffle to draw traffic to your
booth. Offer discounts and incentives to
purchase. Engage customers in
conversations. Collect everyone’s
contact information. Generate product
sales and collect leads for your new members. Build flies describing your products/services and share it in the club,
market square, football pitch parties and in a community of friends.
Stuff envelopes with promotions Include promotional materials in everything
you mail. For example, include product
information when mailing bills, personal letters and product shipments. Send flyers to advertise new products. Include a calendar of special events. Send coupons to encourage repeat business
3 Send
greeting cards. Keep a calendar of
customers’ birthdays or anniversaries.
Send cards for their birthdays, holidays and other special occasions.
Don’t forget to include a coupon and other promotional information. Customers like feeling remembered and
appreciated. A birthday card with a
coupon is likely to generate a
4 Speak at
social, business and civic group events.
Establish yourself as an expert or authority. Educate attendees about an issue that
concerns them. Don’t make selling your
product the primary focus of your speech.
Rather, mention your product and how it can help them. Distribute promotional materials that notify
customers of upcoming events and tell them where they can purchase your product.
5 Start a
YouTube channel. On your channel, educate
customers about the benefits of your product/services instead of just talking
about the product itself. For example,
if you are selling makeup, create videos teaching makeup techniques. Casually mention your products throughout the
video, but keep the focus on the educational content. In the end, direct visitors to information
about purchasing or finding out more about your product.
6 Create a
blog. Post product reviews on your
blog. Explain what your product does,
how it works and what the benefits are.
Also, create educational content that demonstrates how customers can use
your product. For example, if you sell
home herbal products, create content that educates people about how to keep fit
or reduce their health expenses. Include
a sales page where customers can purchase your product.
7 Create a Facebook fan page. Post product reviews, adds and educational
content on your page. Include links to your blog and YouTube
channel. Also, link back to the sales
page on your distributor website. Start
groups where customers can discuss how they use your products. For example, if you sell weight loss
products, have a Facebook group that allows customers to post success stories,
questions and product reviews.
Devote time to selling your product and building your
network. Don’t spend all of your time
recruiting. Remember that the way
everyone actually makes money is from commissions on products sold. If everyone did nothing but recruit others to
join the network, nobody would earn any commissions. Just as you are counting on those in your down
line to sell products, the distributors above you in your network are counting
on you to do the same.
1 Build a large network of distributors for your
product. For example, if you are selling
perfume, refer others to sell the same products. Teach them to recruit distributors also. As distributors under you sell more makeup,
you will earn commissions from their sales.
The bigger your network, the more money you will make that is why is
called network marketing.
2 Learn about
different referring strategies. Talk
with top earners in your network about their referring strategies. Read literature, listen to podcasts and
participate in webinars to learn from people outside of your network. Choose different methods to try. See if they fit your personality and
schedule. If so, use them every day.
3 Refer friends, family and coworkers. This is known as your warm market. Create a list of everyone you know or knew,
and contact them to tell them about your business. Since these people already know and trust
you, they may be more likely to invest in a business opportunity with you. However, since they won’t want to disappoint
you, it can be awkward if they have no interest in your MLM business. Don’t alienate people you know by pursuing
them too aggressive.
4 Use a
strategy called FORM, which stands for family, occupation, recreation and
money. Engage your prospect in a
conversation about these things, and note problems they discuss. Mention to them that you might have a
possible solution to a problem area, and make your sales pitch, don’t talk
about your product directly, but discus something related to providing solution
which your product can solve.
5 Understand the risk
of preaching an MLM business idea to
friends and family. If it failure rate for distributors is enormously
high. Know that you risk damaging important relationships
in your life if the business fails.
Carefully weigh the opportunity of losing the trust of friends and
family with the promise of making money.
6 Practice cold market prospecting, which is
recruiting total strangers. This can be
intimidating for some people, but the same principles apply as with your warm
market. Build a relationship by finding
commonalities and creating trust. Resist
the temptation to give a long spiel about your business. Rather, listen more and talk less. Ask questions and let them talk about
themselves. Find things you have in common
to begin building a bond.
6 Advertise for new
recruits. Place ads in newspapers,
business magazines or online job boards.
Promote the benefits of working for yourself in the ad. Direct respondents to visit a website to
learn more about your business. Write
content for your website that generates interest. Put your contact information on the website.
7 Create a personal business website or blog. Write relevant, SEO optimized content. Share your content on social media
platforms. This attracts visitors to the
site who are already interested in your business. Include a call to action in your posts that
encourages visitors to take the next step in joining your network. Visit other blogs in your industry and
comment, like and retweet their content.
This will redirect traffic back to your site.
8 Purchase leads from a reputable marketing
solutions business. They do the
advertising and prequalification to find qualified leads. Some companies give you a script that you can
use when contacting leads. Many also
offer training. Be aware that this can be risky and expensive. Some list brokers are not honest and just
sell lists of names scrubbed from the internet.
9 Promote yourself as an authority. Leads will seek you out rather than the other
way around. This is called attraction marketing. One effective way to do this is with a funded
proposal. This is a marketing plan where
you sell inexpensive information products to attract high-quality leads. For example, sell webinars or e-books that
give valuable information to prospects.
This can be expensive and time-consuming, but it is a proven strategy
for building your network.
10 Support new members of your down line. Spend at least 30 days training them. Give them plenty of support during training
so they can learn what they need to do to work independently. Build long-term relationships with the people
you bring into the company. Teach them
how to develop relationships so they can bring other. Failure rates for MLM
distributors are almost 99 percent. The
support and training you offer your recruits can make the difference between
success and failure
Learn what a pyramid
scheme is. A pyramid scheme is a
fraudulent hierarchical scheme. People
are recruited to invest money with the promise that they will receive a return
on their investment if they recruit other investors. It is a deceptive money game with no basis in
commerce. Typically no product is involved. Rather, people are deceived into investing
money, although no product has been received nor service provided and tis have
been going on through out last year and even this year all over the world
people a been deceived on daily basis through
this pyramid system , after investing your money and time they end up frustrating
Understand how MLM
businesses are different from pyramid schemes.
In a legal MLM business, you sell legitimate products that people
genuinely want for a fair price. You can
make money just by selling the product.
You don’t have to recruit others into the business to make money, even
though you may be encouraged to do so to earn more money. MLM businesses are not about taking advantage
of anybody. Nobody has to lose money in
order for you to make money.
Realize that some
pyramid schemes do involve a product.
The product thinly disguises the scam.
Usually, the product has no inherent value. Nobody would want to purchase the product
unless they were joining the scheme.
Examples of this kind of product include mailing lists, some kind of
report or membership in an investment club.
The only way for investors to make money is buy getting others to invest.
Know what the experts
say. Critics of the MLM business model,
such as forensic accountants and fraud investigators, say that all MLM
businesses are unfair pyramid schemes. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and
the Direct Selling Association disagree.
They say that MLM’s are legitimate.
The difference comes down to products. If distributors can make money by
selling products to end-users, then the business is legal unlike the melidian life
support foundation they render free medical services for members , free
skill acquisition for members and free leadership training for its member
Understand, however,
that just because a business is legal does not mean it is necessarily a good
idea. MLM businesses, although legal,
are extremely risky. Distributors invest
their own money in products that they may or may not be able to sell. Building down lines is difficult and
time-consuming. Also, you put others at
financial risk when you bring them into your down line. Before becoming involved in an MLM, decide
whether you are comfortable with not only risking your personal savings, but
also with the ethical dilemma of making money off of others' financial risks.
Among all this I still recommend you join meridian life
support foundation. They have proven they are the best and the latest when it comes
to network marketing ,you can visit their site for more detail or email to register direct
with the company or call 07033625106
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