Saturday, July 23, 2016


{In the|On the|With the} mention of Network Advertising business lots of Nigerians flee. Their running away could be {because of this|therefore} of bad {activities|experience} or incorrect information and mis-information about the business.

I will be sharing in this thread 5 REASONS Nigerians missed in the Network marketing business and how {it's the|is it doesn't} best investment you can ever put your money into in life.
1. Network Marketing {is about|is focused on|is centered on} HAWKING DRUGS:
2. {They will|That they} tried selling to Nigerians who are not {Wellness|Well being|Overall health} Conscious but Wealth Mindful
3. They acquire Network Companies with limited range of products
4. {They will|That they} don't work as a team. {Most people are|Many people are|Everybody is} working {individually|separately|on their own} and selfishly striving to outdo {one another|the other person}
5. {They will|That they} partner with {Multilevel marketing |Multi-level marketing|Multi level marketing} {Organization|Business|Firm} with big but {superficial|short|low} reward schemes


1 ) Network Marketing is all about HAWKING DRUGS: Reach 07033625106 Network Marketing is {far|a long way away} from anything like {offering|providing|advertising} or hawking drugs. Nigerians who started this business succeeded on a wrong note. {I suppose|I assume|Perhaps} they {began|started out} the way they {do|performed|would} based on our get rich quick mentality and {limited time|small amount of time|short period of time} perspectives in planning. {Home business is|Network marketing is} not about {selling and buying|investing|exchanging} products, because selling products {will never|is not going to|will not likely} get you {wealthy|abundant}, as the profit {perimeter is|border is} low. NETWORK ADVERTISING IS ALL ABOUT THE SOCIAL CAPITAL- WHAT {IS USUALLY|IS DEFINITELY|CAN BE} SOCIAL CAPITAL AND WHAT DO YOU DO WITH YOURS:
SOCIAL CAPITAL is {the cash|the amount of money|the bucks} that exist in the pockets of your social circle, the question is, {what should you do|where do you turn} with that money? Do you {men|fellas|folks} just go clubbing or {going out|chilling out} in joints or {cigarette smoking|using tobacco}? Network Marketing {funnel|control|use} the power of your social capital to provide {a great|an excellent} PLAN B stream of income for you. Network Marketing helps you and your Social group to work together to build {a lot of money|a lot} you can enjoy at a later age.
Network Marketing {Organization|Business|Firm} according to Harvard Organization school should produce {broad variety of|a comprehensive portfolio of} repetitive ordered products, so for those of us that has been {deceived|deceive|trick} the business is about drugs, be better {knowledgeable|educated|up to date}. Most of those products that looks like drugs are actually foods {pressurized|squeezed|folded} into tablets, caplet, {pills|tablets|supplements} and syrups as the case may be. {Thus|As a result} what {almost all of} {these items|the products} do is to supplement the nutrients that are either absent or deficient in the food we {take in|ingest}.
In Conclusion, for those that want to {endeavor|opportunity|enterprise} into marketing, the good thing is that a good Network Marketing {Organization|Business|Firm} will not:
1. {Inquire|Request|Question} you to be hawking products
2. {Will never be|Are not} producing one range of products only
if you have a question or contribution don't hesitate to drop your comment  here.
<a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"><img style="border:0px" src="" width="336" height="280" alt=""></a>


{1} to network marketing professional, you WILL need to learn some skills to achieve success in your small business.

The more you {become knowledgeable|keep yourself well-informed} about network marketing, the more likely {you may have|you should have|you will possess} massive success in {reaching|obtaining} the residual income you desire for your family and your future.

Unlike most high paying professions like a doctor or lawyer, you will NOT need {a huge|a sizable} {amount of cash|sum of money} for your education, the network marketing professional can create a greater income for themselves than {almost|nearly} any other profession.

{Beneath are|Under are|Listed below are} a few marketing tips to get the most out of your network marketing small business. {Be sure you|Ensure you|Be sure to} apply ALL of the following advice to maximize your results.
To begin withPeople Don't Join {a company|an enterprise|a small business} - They Join YOU!

TIP #1 Approach your network marketing business as a way of |supporting people rather than advertising} them on your "Can't Live Without" product. {In case you|In the event you|Should you} go in with the thought {procedure for|means of|technique of} Educating your readers, your business will flourish. Focus on {the individual|anyone|anybody} and how you can help solve the issues he or she is facing.

If you happen to have {a site} for your business, make sure it is {packed with} value and education as if you were teaching the reader about your company through an online {guide|training|article}.

In addition, you must make this value clear to the reader {to enable them to|in order to} understand what your product is {that you will be|that you're|you happen to be} marketing. {Providing|Offering|Supplying} value along with step by step educational {methods|techniques|types of procedures} in your small business will offer return {site visitors|guests|tourists} and loyal followers.

{My personal goal and yours {should|really need|really should} to be to become an Alph-Networker, an {head|boss|chief} in your company for others {to follow along with|to adhere to}, which of course {may cause|can cause} an increase in your bank {accounts|bank account|consideration} balances.
TIP #2 {Whilst|Although|When} speaking with {a potential customer|a possibility|a potential client}, {ensure that you|make sure you} ask questions and encourage the person to share more about themselves. This will help {you realize|you comprehend} their position and how you can best help him with your opportunity.
The Network Marketing Expert Will NOT Pitch {Their particular|Their very own|All their} Product or {Small company|Business|Small enterprise} {Chance|Prospect|Option}

After studying successful people in small business, {I possess|I use|I've} {uncovered|learned} that successful {entrepreneurs|affiliate marketers} build relationships, they build friendships. Their goal {had not been|has not been} to immediately recruit their prospects.
<a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"><img style="border:0px" src="" width="336" height="280" alt=""></a>
If you {give attention to} getting customers or a new distributor for your product, {you'll be|you're going to be|you'll certainly be} disappointed... you will find your {potential customers|leads|prospective customers} running the other way.

The network marketing professional's objective is to {teach|instruct|inform} their prospects on what they have to offer and then let them decide for themselves if it is something they {desired to|wished to|planned to} do... it needs to be their idea to join your internet marketing business.

When the {time is|moment is} correct, the professional marketer will invite a prospect to do one of two things {depending on|based upon} the individual prospect's situation.

1: If the professional marketer feels it is warranted, the marketer might invite {the chance|the outlook} to a 1-on-1 or 2-on-1 {conference|getting together with|appointment} with another {person in|part of} the team.

He might {request|invitation|why not invite} {the chance|the outlook} for a three-way phone conversation, {a tiny} group presentation in their home or {an internet|a web based|a web} Webinar.

The professional marketer understands that the personal interaction is a critical component when it comes to building trust, so the expert will {hook up} with people as frequently as possible. This is an {aspect|factor} of 'Social Proof'.
{However|Alternatively}, if you invite any recruit to {a conference|a getting together with|an appointment}, and it takes {much longer|for a longer time} than 1 hour to {describe|make clear} your small business opportunity, the inevitable {summary|bottom line|realization} that your prospect will draw is that {signing up for|getting started with|signing up} your business would be very time-intensive {creating|triggering} them to think twice about your opportunity.

2: {An additional|One more|One other} choice for the {internet marketer will be to|internet marketer should be to|internet marketer is always to|online marketer will be to|online marketer should be to|online marketer is always to|marketing expert will be to|marketing expert should be to|marketing expert is always to} invite the {condition|target|issue} to review {an instrument|a device}, whether that means to {pay attention|listen closely|hear} to a CD, watch a video presentation, look at a magazine, website etc... the professional {internet marketer|online marketer|marketing expert} will allow the tool to do the work for them.

{Utilizing a|By using a} marketing tool is a great way {for folks} to become educated and hopefully {thrilled|fired up|enthusiastic} while right in the middle with their {occupied|active} lives. The prospect {may well not|might not exactly} have time to drive anywhere to meet, but they can find the time to listen to a CD, read a magazine, watch a brief DVD or an online presentation.
If the person is showing an interest, {but nonetheless is|but nevertheless is|however is} in need of more information, or has questions, this might be the perfect {possibility to} {include|integrate|combine} Best from above.

{Intended for|To get|Pertaining to} building {a huge|a sizable} organization with your {work from home business|business from home|business opportunity} opportunity, it has been found that using the tool for presenting your product or opportunity is the better approach for the first exposure.
Closing Comments Regarding Inviting Prospects Into The {Work from home business|Business from home|Business opportunity}

Different home-based companies use different tools and events to grow their marketing business. Find what {is most effective|is best suited|is ideal} for your particular company, {create a|produce a|build a} daily method that works, then {teach|educate|coach} your people how to effectively do the same... DUPLICATION BABY!

Remember that {multilevel marketing is|multi-level marketing is|multi level marketing is} a business and you have {to deal with|to take care of} it as such. You must {understand that|recognize that} network marketing is NOT a get {wealthy|abundant} over night venture.

{To become a|As a|To become} successful network marketer, you must be willing and {focused on|committed to|specialized in} put in the time and work necessary to help others {be successful|do well}, which will set you on a fast-track to a rewarding future.
LAST TIP: A genuine desire to help others {be successful is|do well is} important {to achieve success|to reach your goals|to hit your objectives} in network marketing. Crossing {within the|above the|in the} threshold of a network marketing professional, with the desire of 'Paying it Forward' will help your profits soar to the next level.

{There exists a Method|There exists a Formulation|There exists a Solution|We have a Method|We have a Formulation|We have a Solution|There is also a Method|There is also a Formulation|There is also a Solution} to the Invitation {Procedure|Method} Says Eric Worre - The Network Marketing Expert - There ARE {eight|main} {Measures in|Stages in} the Professional {Advertising|Promoting} Invitation.

Follow the {Hyperlink Below and Move The Home-Based business one level further!
Eric Worre's {eight|almost eight|almost 8} Step Formula - a Time-Proven & Authoritative Network Marketing Invitation Process! to be a member


The very best network marketing company in Nigeria is given to this company meridians life support foundation based on their compensation plan because that is what drives we Nigerians. How much they pay, how can we earn more?.
Multi level Multi-level marketing is not only the business to survive nowadays that we are but is it doesn't business that lead to Greatness.
Many people know this but the challenge we Nigerians face with almost all of the network marketing companies is their settlement plan and this has lead to several i myself[ an A LARGE NUMBER OF Nigerians becoming negatives and having GROSS hatred for the business and so the original aim of the mlm industry to being in order to many to achieve greatness is dead in Nigeria.

A sufficient amount of of the stories. Have always been very sorry if i will hurt some sense here because i'ld be mentioning the names of some of the noteworthy mlm network marketing company in Nigeria that are ripping us out to never boo them but for some1 reading this to learn.

Multi-level marketing (MLM), also known as Network Marketing, is a business-distribution model that permits a parent company to market usana products directly to consumers by means of relationship referrals and offering.

Stairstep Breakaway- In this plan, distributors have a per-defined point or group sale volume and once this is achieved you break away from you upline to become impartial. That is after the predetermined volume is met either by sales or by recruiting you breakaway.

Unilevel plan- This is considered the simplest coming from all settlement plans because commissions are paid mostly based upon the number of levels a recipient is from the original representative who is purchasing the product. Commissions are not based on title or rank achieved. By qualifying with a minimum sales requirement, reps earn unlimited commissions on a limited number of degrees of downline recruited reps.

Matrix Plan- This type of plan is comparable to an Uni-Level plan, except there is an also limited number of representatives who can be put on the first level. Employees beyond the utmost number of first level positions allowed are automatically located in other downline (lower level) positions.

Binary Plan: A binary plan is a multilevel marketing compensation plan that allows distributors to have only two front-line suppliers. If a distributor gives more than two vendors, the excess are located at levels below the sponsoring distributor's front-line. This kind of "spillover" is one of the most attractive features to new distributors since they need only attract two distributors to get involved in the compensation plan(this is detrimental to Nigerians). The primary limitation is the fact distributors must "balance" their two downline thighs to get commissions. Balancing lower limbs typically requires that the number of sales from one downline leg amount to no more than a specified percentage of the distributor's total sales.

Cross plans- They are simply combo of two strategies mostly uni level and binary.

HERE IS THE TRUTH: Having read about the types of plan you can find out that the best of them all of that is favorable to we Nigerians is meridian life support system.

Giving the company here on Nl would cause a ban and closure of this bond so pls jst visit this blog i had formed to create it on Saturday just for the goal of this information.
There is the names and how network marketing companies use Nigerians and in the end you will find the name of the best mlm company in Nigeria.

Monday, July 18, 2016


"{EASILY} would {get} a chance {to start out|to get started on} {yet again}; {I'd} choose network marketing''
-   Bill Gates

-   {Are you currently|Have you been|Will you be} resident in Lagos, Nigeria?
{-   {Are you currently|Have you been|Will you be} {arranged|established|placed|establish|place} to make good and credible income by creating another {blast of} income?|- {Are you currently|Have you been|Will you be} {arranged|established|placed|establish|place} to make credible and good income by creating another {blast of} income?}
-   {Would you like to} be {one of the primary} FEW people in Nigeria to kick-start the {speediest|most effective} growing {DIRECT SELLING} / Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) Company {ever before} in {history}?
-   Are you {sick and tired of} unpleasant {activities|experience} you've {experienced|got|acquired|possessed} in other {MULTILEVEL MARKETING} companies?
-   Do {you want to} {become a part of} a team of great and visionary business men and {market leaders} {who'll} take Africa by {surprise} by {starting|releasing|introducing} this {amazing|wonderful|great|brilliant|magnificent} record-breaking company?
-   Have you {ever before} dreamed of {being truly a} part {of the|of any|of your|of an} formidable team that {begins} {a global} business of global repute in your country?
-   Are you {interested in} health products {which may have|that contain} positive {effect on} {the body|our body}?
-   {Are you currently|Have you been|Will you be} a good {entrepreneur}, {{internet marketer|marketing expert|professional|marketing consultancy|internet entrepreneur} or {sales rep} and will {prefer to} stock,|sales or {internet marketer|marketing expert|professional|marketing consultancy|internet entrepreneur} person {and can} {prefer to} stock,} retail, distribute and sell one of the {speediest|most effective} moving health products {throughout the world} {and therefore} make tremendous {income|revenue|earnings} doing this?
{-   {Have you got} {market} for anti-aging and weight -{reduction|damage} products?|- {Have you got} {market} for weight and anti-aging -{reduction|damage} products?}
{-   {Would you|Can you|Do you really|Does one|Will you} {imagine} {traveling|venturing|exploring|going|visiting} {throughout the world} and {conference|getting together with|appointment|assembly|reaching} successful {folks of} like-minds?|- {Would you|Can you|Do you really|Does one|Will you} {imagine} {traveling|venturing|exploring|going|visiting} {over the} {conference|getting together with|appointment|assembly|reaching} and {world|earth} successful {folks of} like-minds?}
-   Do {you want to} {become a part of} a team that will {release|start|kick off|establish|unveiling} {this phenomenal} business in Africa and {therefore|thus|in so doing|in that way|in doing so} gain {acknowledgement|reputation|identification|popularity|acceptance} of {the organization} international office {of the} {Lot of money|Bundle of money} 500 Company?
-   Do {you want to} make life better {on your own|by yourself|yourself|for your own|for your self}, {your others and family?}
-   {Would you like to} be in {demand|fee} {of your} time?
-   {Would you like to} take {substantial|significant|large|considerable} action towards {reaching|obtaining} financial freedom {this season} by taking {good thing about} this great opportunity or {you want to} {keep up with the} status-quo?
{-   {Have you got} a {desire|fantasy|wish|goal|aspiration} and {eyesight|perspective|eye-sight} of financial {independence|flexibility|liberty} for {your daily life} and family?|- {Have you got} a {eyesight|perspective|eye-sight} and {imagine} financial {independence|flexibility|liberty} for {your daily life} and family?}
-   {Would you like to} meet one-on-one {and become} {straight|immediately} coached by the {speediest|most effective} growing {innovator|head} in {the corporation} {for your} of Europe?
-   {Do you want to} like {some cash} credited {back} weekly {rather than} {regular monthly|regular|every month} (as other MLM's do, which doesn't make it {not the same as} {an income})?
-   {Are you currently|Have you been|Will you be} experienced and probably {rendering it|so that it is} big in {Multi level marketing} and {you want to} {become a part of} a team that will break new grounds and make great things happen in your country?
-   Are you {enthusiastic about|considering} developing your {management|command|authority|control}, management, marketing, {presentation and sales skills?}
The {speediest|most effective} growing {MULTILEVEL MARKETING} Company with a well-structured {management|command|authority|control} team and the most {progressive|ground breaking} and dynamic  {Payment|Settlement|Reimbursement} Plan in {immediate} {offering|advertising} industry ({presented|highlighted|included} in Inc, {Lot of money|Bundle of money} 500 {publications|mags|journals|periodicals|newspapers} etc) {working|functioning} and {distributing|growing|dispersing} fast in {European countries}, Asia, USA and Middle-East {is defined} to {open up|start} 'BIG' in Africa {as well as your} country (Nigeria) {would be the} first point of contact.

Our company is {in charge of} recruiting {some individuals} {that'll be|which will be} the {immediate} contact {people|folks} this {MULTILEVEL MARKETING} Company {will continue to work} with as they {intend to} open {functions|businesses} in Africa and Nigeria {specifically}.
{If you're} passionate about {employing} them and taking {good thing about} this {fantastic|gold} opportunity that is life {changing}, we ask that you send as an {connection} a one or two-page {record|file|doc|report} providing {the next} information about {you to ultimately} this {email}: info@alexanderconsultingonline. com                                                                                                                      (Not that {the main topic of} {the e-mail} must be: MLM IN NIGERIA).
1.    Name:
2.    Address: (not P. O. {Package|Container|Field|Pack}):
3.    {Email}:
4.    Mobile {Quantity|Amount}:
5.    Age:
6.    Sex:
7.    Marital {position}:
8.    Occupation:
9.    Any experience in {Multilevel marketing business}: (if yes, write {a short} {overview|synopsis|brief summary|conclusion|summation} of your experience):
10.    {Are you considering} open to {traveling|venturing|exploring|going|visiting} outside Nigeria if {you need to}:
11.    {A short} {overview|synopsis|brief summary|conclusion|summation} of your person {and just why} you think you {be eligible|meet the criteria|define|meet the requirements|specify} to be {upon this} team:
12.    {Where} {Newspapers|Paper|Magazine|Papers|Publication} / Website {do|performed|have|does} {you observe|the thing is|the truth is|the thing is that|the simple truth is} this {advertisement}:

{PLEASE {Notice|Take note|Be aware|Word|Take note of} {THAT PEOPLE} {Value|Admiration|Esteem} YOUR {Personal privacy|Level of privacy|Privateness} {AND WE'LL} KEEP {THESE DETAILS} ABOUT   YOU CONFIDENTIAL.|PLEASE {Notice|Take note|Be aware|Word|Take note of} {THAT PEOPLE} {Value|Admiration|Esteem} YOUR WE and {Personal privacy|Level of privacy|Privateness} {COULD KEEP} {THESE DETAILS} ABOUT YOU CONFIDENTIAL.}
{Notice|Take note|Be aware|Observe|Please note}: Short-listing {depends} solely {on the|over a} 'first come, first {offered|dished up}' basis.  {{Submit} your own information today.|Today {submit} your own information.}  Timing is everything!

Please, {immediate} all correspondence {to the} {email}:
OR CALL 07033625106 OR visit; for more details

Warm Regards,


{Set of} mlm companies in Nigeria - This Nigeria mlm {directory site|listing|index|directory website|website directory} provides a {group of|pair of} {multilevel marketing} companies in Nigeria.{The goal of} this {set of} mlm companies in Nigeria is to {give a} reliable {multilevel marketing} directory where anyone {thinking about} starting an {multilevel marketing business} in Nigeria can have a balanced assessment {of every} company and make {knowledgeable|educated|up to date|enlightened|prepared} decisions.

Let's face it.

{It cost money {to start out|to get started on} a business.|It cost money {to start out|to get started on} a continuing business.} {And it'll} be foolhardy {to consider|for taking|to adopt|to have|to use} that {wages} and invest it in a venture that {will} fail even {right from the start}.
{You observe|The thing is|The truth is|The thing is that|The simple truth is}, business itself is tough. But don't make it tougher on yourself by jumping in before measuring {the probability of} success.

Guess what.{{Some individuals} have {been successful} with mlm companies where {many others} have failed.|Some social {folks have} succeeded with mlm companies where {many others} have failed.}

{What's} the difference?

Yes, {the selection of} mlm company {to become listed on} {is important}!

Consequently, this {set of} mlm companies in Nigeria is {offered|shown|provided} so {each individual} can {choose for} himself (or herself) what {way to} choose. And you're completely {in charge of} the company {you decide to} go with.{multilevel marketing} companies in Nigeria, {you {will see} this {multilevel marketing} {directory site|listing|index|directory website|website directory} helpful.|you shall find this {multilevel marketing} {directory site|listing|index|directory website|website directory} helpful.}

{Why is} this {multilevel marketing} directory different?

Simple. {It's been} {made to} provide facts NOT {buzz|media hype|hoopla}.

This Nigeria mlm directory has been provided so that {associates|reps|staff} of mlm companies in Nigeria {provides} official NO NYPE information about {the merchandise} and {home based business} provided by their company.

So, {if you are} a representative {for just about any} of the mlm companies in Nigeria, {just {supply the} facts about {your business|your organization|your enterprise|your small business}.|{supply the} facts about {your business|your organization|your enterprise|your small business} just.}

Don't tell the audience that {your business|your organization|your enterprise|your small business} {is the greatest|is the better|is best|is a good|is the foremost}. {Just {supply the} facts and {people to} this {multilevel marketing} companies directory will {assess|evaluate} for themselves.|Just {supply the} known facts and {people to} this {multilevel marketing} companies directory will {assess|evaluate} for themselves.}

{How will you} post verifiable {factual statements about} your company?

Simply {fill up|load|complete} the mlm company profile submission form below {as well as your} {multilevel marketing} company {account} will be {put into} this {set of} mlm companies in Nigeria.{I'll|I am going to} list {some of the} mlm companies available in Nigeria {to create} the ball rolling. {But} companies operating in Nigeria (or their {associates|reps|staff}) must speak for themselves.
1. Vemma Nutrition

2. GBG


4. Tiens/Tianshi

5. Agel

6. Organogold

7. Sunrider
8. Tahitian Noni

9. 4Life

10. Forever Living Products

11. Trevo

12. Tasly

13. {Goal|Purpose|Target} Global

14. Jeunesse

{Please be aware} that the list above is not exhaustive.

In fact, {I {may well not|might not exactly} have even scratched the surface.|I {may well not|might not exactly} have scratched the surface even.}

{That's the reason} this mlm directory {is exclusive}.

We are {providing|offering|supplying|presenting} mlm companies in Nigeria an {possibility to} showcase {the real} worth {of the|of these|with their} business to the Nigeria populace of over 150 million people.

Over 150 million people! {The marketplace} is huge!

But will this {huge|great} audience choose {your business|your organization|your enterprise|your small business} or your competitor?

{The decision} is yours.

Monday, July 11, 2016


 Mlm network marketing have become a large industry in the whole world although the industry seen not to be visible to many but those who understand it knows the industry have grown so wide that if your not in it you must be missing a lot.

The DSA reports that there are over 13 million people in the U.S involved in direct network marketing business, the fact is that they are every where even in your family and neighborhood, is a business in which ordinary  people can invest a small sum of money and rise to staggering levels of financial reward and personal freedom that sounds great isn’t it?. Every day so many people must go to work in which their employer will take their time to build his or her own future and the employee will continue to work like a slave against his own wish because he need a little paycheck.

But in mlm network marketing we help each other to build our future and make sells as quick as possible, we get paid for bringing more people and making a sale which keep accumulating over time and by the time you realize it you have make a lot of money for your self and for your family.

Is just like the way your employer take your time and your effort, in network marketing your take peoples time. Let me explained.

For example let take alook at a typical employer in an industry with let say 300 employees with a work rate of  $80 per hour, the aim of the employer is to keep each person busy through out the whole hours paid right, Out of this once all the costs of doing business are factored in such as wages paid, health insurance, unemployment insurance, federal taxes, state taxes, all taxes, permits, maintenance, housekeeping, the list just goes on and on. The employer may get to keep 5 to 10 dollars per hour of that labor rate and you can do the maths by yourself and know how much he is making from each person per month.

But In Network Marketing, we have our initial start up costs anywhere from just a few dollars to several hundred dollars. Where most network marketers fail is they feel that they don’t need a marketing budget for advertising, they don’t seek out the education required to succeed and they become lackadaisical in their business forgetting that they are in a real business just that you no longer have boss that will hold you accountable so you should hold yourself accountable, knowing that failure to do it right your going to witness a failure in your business.
             <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"><img style="border:0px" src="" width="336" height="280" alt=""></a>
Your primary task will be to gathering customers for your products or services. To help and assist others get started in their own business partnered with you. You are looking at a business model that will take up to 2 to 4 years to produce the kind of results you’re looking for, at this starting point you should not give up your daily job but set aside 4 to 6 hours every week for your network marking this will require a marketing budget so that you can follow through, until it get to stage where you will quit your work by now your effort is paying off

Finally remember that this not a get rich quick scheme although it have been exaggerated by other marketers in the system, advertising your network is basically spread by word of mouth and other adverting means, but you spreading it with word of mouth to your friends will prove effective in distance time, when you hang out with friends let them  know what your into, when you went to cinema hall talk about it tell them how good you found network marketing,knowing that so many advertising agency depend on this method so you get paid by your word of mouth .

As a network marketer your going to entertain questions like “will sell product ?“ the answer depend on your network marketing company, you should know whether your company sell product which should be of course yes ,though some network marketing company doesn’t sell any product but render service for instance meridian life support foundation render free medical services, free skill acquisition and leadership training program me once you become one of their member, you don’t necessary network, you only network if you want to make money through that means.

So  we as a network marketer different? We recommend products or services that we like and personally use. If we know it’s good and personally use it, recommending it to our friends and family is very easy but recommending what you don’t use will be very difficult for you and may show during your conversation with your costumers. Among all mlm netwok marketing I have been into meridian life support foundation is at the for front. I show you how.


How the system Works

When you obtain our passport that will take you from where you are to where you deserve to be with $20 (N4,000), you are in line to be empowered through our services. With this passport, we will touch your life and make a difference in it.

Because it is our vision to train, dignify, respect and empower people globally with specialized skills and entrepreneurial IQ, members are expected to introduce at least 2 persons to the opportunities we provide and they stand to benefit from our exceptional compensation plan.

Our compensation plan is built upon the highly profitable binary marketing system which is meant to put residual income into your pocket as each new member in your link meets you at any rank. No doubt, this is a cash flow system. You don’t need to wait for a level to fill up before you receive your money, but you receive it immediately every single person comes to join you. And whenever you complete a rank, you are rewarded with great BONUS.
Our membership rankings are as follows:

Rank 1 – Feeder
Rank 2 – Bronze – STAGE 1
Rank 3 – Gold – STAGE 2
Rank 4 – Diamond – STAGE 3
Rank 5 – Executive Diamond – STAGE 4
Rank 6 – Infinity – STAGE


At your feeder matrix you are required to refer persons with your referral link. Each referral you make earns you 20% of your investment $4 (N800). Upon 2 or 6 referrals from you, you make 40% or 120% of your investment respectively and you are rewarded with additional $10 (N2,000) when the matrix is completed. Then you move to the next rank.


As six (6) members in your link complete their feeder matrix, they follow you down to the bronze matrix. As each of them step out to join you, you receive a step out bonus of $10 (N2,000) instantly without waiting for the level to be filled. As each of them keep stepping out to join you, so you keep receiving $10 (N2,000) on each. You end up receiving a total of $140 (N28,000) as you complete this membership rank and you are also rewarded with a bonus of $100 (N20,000). In addition, you will be awarded with a 5” Android phone. Then, simultaneously on completing this rank you move on to our next membership rank.


As a gold member, your down link members are still following you. When any of them steps out from bronze to join you in the gold matrix, you will receive a $25 (N5,000) as step out bonus. You will end up receiving a total of $350 (N70,000) when you complete this matrix and you will be rewarded with a matrix bonus of $250 (N50,000). In addition, you will be rewarded with an Ipad or Tablet PC or laptop. Simultaneously upon completing this rank you are moved to the next rank.


Your step out bonuses continues to drop to your purse as your down link members joins you in diamond. You would have received a total of $420 (N84,000) by the time this rank is completed. And you are automatically moved to executive diamond stage. In addition to a total of $420 (N84,000) you will get a brand new Hyundai Car worth $20,000 (N4 million) as an award of excellence, a $2,500 (N500,000) matrix bonus and you will be rewarded with one week exotic holiday in Dubai.


At your executive diamond matrix, your step out bonus is $100 (N20,000) on each member that joins you. Upon completing this rank, you will simultaneously move to Infinity stage. In addition to the total of $1400 (N280,000) step out bonuses you must have received upon completing this rank, you will be rewarded with $3000 (N600,000) matrix bonus and you will be awarded with a Hyundai Jeep worth $25,000 (N5 million)


This is the highest rank attainable in our organization. Like its name indicates, it simply means that as an infinity member, you will keep earning a step out bonus of $5000 (N1 million) whenever your downlink members joins you  at infinity.

Join Us call +2347033625106



In to today’s economic situation starting up a small business could be very challenging, but working from home give you a lot more perception than taken a second job. Therefore utilizing network marketing strategy can make you a lot of money in no distance time, involving other people into your network can be life changing, changing your life and changing other peoples life. Bellow explanations enable you to be successful with your network marking.

The strategy is not only to achieve financial freedom bot helping people to achieve their life goals as a system creator you need to visualize the long time outcome of your system and set up for a good marketing plan that will benefit you and your multilevel network.

While you’re networking you need to identify your faults and gain knowledge from your mistakes to be able to forge ahead .Look at the areas you have make progress and the areas you have not excel and take analytical view of the two and fine out what went wrong ,dedicate your energy in correcting your mistakes knowing that you did only learn by making mistakes but repeating same mistake will not do you any good so avoid making the same mistake over and over again.

 A well-developed internet site will be suitable for the multi-level marketing, utilizing social media sites will surely get you going. You may establish your personal content-wealthy blog and social network personal identity to increase the success of your multi-level marketing strategy. Think about the online as a group you have to establish a reputation in. And don’t forget about the concept of a blog, which we previously mentioned.

By so doing you will build your reputation and seeing that your are stable people will beging to come in but you need to show them what they must choose from well before they may make that choice. Create a vision table to enable you stay focus on your mlm goal and you should be able to define your end goal knowing perfectly if it is to get rich or buy estate or to affect peoples life?

To make in network marketing you need to be leader in the industry by been authentic and stable and utilize all campaign to make sure your organization got noticed and attract serious traffic that will make it work out.If you have a good approach your internet site will grow with a lot of traffic in no distance time and you will inspire the competition to mimic you by then your driving the industry.

 Do research and know product/ service your adversing adequately. Becoming enthusiastic about the item, it will show when you find yourself advertising and marketing it to other individuals. Screen self-confidence with your product, you will be much more likely to attract new business and new leads. If you give a review about your product or service, it is going to originate from a genuine location. Prospects will sense this trustworthiness and buy from you or join your business which in turn increase your downlline and help in advertising it more.

Make you’re your major objective clear and convincing to everybody that will keep you from staying off the business in the long run.You must map out your business plan in three to six years but your need to keep examining your multiple-stage advertising and marketing actions on cycles not more than 100 days thereby supporting your future plane

Every opportunity you get utilize it in increasing your multi-level marketing and advertising strategy. Study from the people who are into multi-level marketing and advertising for a very long time and learn from them the tips you see and make sure you accomplished it according to their recommendation .pattern your organization according to individual who have been successful that way and see yourself cribbing the lader of successful result, apply good technic you learn from others but be authentic because they exist mor to learn fro individual blunders ,and a lot of guidance to get from watching the numerous successes of others.In your organization, along with the network of connections it is possible to give them. Using the Large networks make use of multiple-levels advertising as one method to get traffic but the following tips ought to help you get began and become successful as being a multi-level network marketing guru

After careful observation through out my network marketing experience I have discover that all that matters is your relationship with your downline and which will reflect your objective to people that will do the work for you.

For instance in meridian life support foundation I found out that the first two people I invited  one was serious while the other was domant but I was able to balance my right hand side by myself and help the person who was dormant,he now release the benefit of the programme through my effort, and guese what happened he overtake the guy and now he is doing pretty well .So sometime is seeing the future benefit and understanding the system your operating that will keep you going.




WOW! WAOW!! Lagos state are you ready? Meridians Life Support (MELISFON INC). is starting the 2nd batch of Free Trade and Skill acquis...